Public Realm Action Plan, King's Lynn, UK
We were commissioned by the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk to develop a Public Realm Strategy and Action Plan for the town centre.
The action plan is a key part of King’s Lynn’s Town Investment Plan and has been informed by residents, businesses and stakeholders through consultations. The action plan will support the council’s ambitions for the town centre in the short, medium and long term.The proposals will be brought to reality when funding becomes available, and will continue to develop the town centre as a vibrant and attractive place where people want to live and work, where businesses thrive and where visitors choose to shop or explore.
In order to support meaningful investment with miximum impact, five key routes are identified as the priority sites for investment. The development of the five routes is intended to strengthen the relationship between key places within the town. Each route is composed of a series of bespoke civic spaces connected along a continuous streetscape, each with individual character.